
Konve is an utility to convert of legacy SBIG ST-x images to the astronomical FITS image format.


The ST format has been introduced by SBIG (Santa Barbara Astronomical Instrument Group, now Aplegen, Inc.) as a main storage format for their CCD cameras. The software CCDOPS and many successors widely used it for storing raw image data. Current image acquiring software supports directly FITS format for storing, but there is a lot of data stored in ST format in data archives widely spread over the world. For easy use, I prepared a simple utility for conversion between these ones a decade ago. Konve utility supports format from ST-4 to ST-10 cameras.

Just for fun, the word konve means watering can in Czech language.


The utility is not too useful in 21. century, so konve is not now actively maintained (and I don't plan it). However, one can be freely use and also anybody can send patches to add any improvements.

Download and Installation

Source code is freely available under GPL2 license.

A recommended way of building is:

$ tar zxf konve-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
$ cd konve/
$ gcc -O2 -o konve trajd.c pomstr.c iofts.c iost.c konve.c

The binary along with manual page are available in current directory. It is recommended copy its under /usr/local tree.

Konve runs under any Unix-like operating system (all flavors of GNU/Linux and BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X, etc) and under DOS/Windows.

See Also

Fitspng is a converter from FITS to PNG. Munipack is a general utility to work with FITS images.

Development notes can be found in Hroch's diary.


Konve is free software licensed under the GNU General Public License. This gives you the freedom to use and modify Konve to suit your needs.

Copyright © 1996 - 2012, F. Hroch, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.