Detailed documentation of data products, methods and software base.
Installation and download
Current status, explanations of features, problems, etc.
- Recent Changes
- Versioning
- Blog
- Modules ‒ package architecture
- Time-line (history)
Software base
- Oakleaf ‒ robust statistic library,
- Minpack ‒ non-linear optimalisation,
- wxWidgets ‒ user interfaces,
- PLplot ‒ graphs,
- John Burkardt Software Collection,
- FITSIO ‒ FITS files input/output library.
- External Utilities
- Rawtran and dcraw ‒ import of raw photos.
Related software
Links to related software tools.
Data formats
Definitions and descriptions
- Astrometry Header
- Processing File
- Photometric Calibration
- Time Series Tables
- Photometry Systems Definition
- Photometry Systems Transformation
- Grow-Curve Report
- Artifical galaxy catalogue
- Artifical PSF
- The specification of colour FITS
White papers
- Hroch, F.: Computer Programs for CCD Photometry (obsolete)
- On Machine Astrometry (talk)
- Calibration of Photon Counting Detectors (talk)
- To Measure the Sky by F. R. Chromey
- Astronomy Methods by H.Bradt
- Electronic Imaging in Astronomy by Ian S. McLean
Classic edition
Obsolete description of obsolete Munipack.

Munipack is free software licensed under the GNU General Public License. This gives you the freedom to use and modify Munipack to suit your needs.