Blogs by Filip Hroch

Photon rain statistics

An analysis of random Poisson noise

Following discussion with Mr. Pavel concerned on likelihood analysis of Fermi’s data (see also the general description of likelihood analysis) and a creation of an illustration for Practicum, I created a toy model demonstration of capture of photons by event-counting area detectors. The key property of a fictions detector is to collect photons during unique time-samples by increasing pixel value in a random place. We can metaphorically designate the model as a photon raining detector.

More precisely, the algorithm can be represented as (sources: ccdnoise.tar.gz):

  1. start
  2. generate random X coordinate
  3. generate random Y coordinate
  4. add +1 to pixel on X,Y
  5. back to 0.

(All, that’s all).

The probability of capture of an event in the time period is given by Poisson distribution

p_k (fT) = (fT)^k e^(fT) / k!

Final results has been displayed in following animations. Both show imaginary detector on the left and empirical distribution - histogram (number of detections in a given level) of photons.


Shortly after star animation

The first animation shows state shortly after start of raining. We can see:

Second animation shows status on a long-term scale:

Note that imaging has been set to show increasing mean during first animation and reducing relative noise during second animation.


After long time animation.


Along with the animations, I computed mean and standard deviation of rain. The results are in graph. The standard deviation is perfectly fitted by square root. One is excellent demonstration of the important property of Poisson distribution.