Works by Filip Hroch

Man who is counting the photons


I’m hippo. No, I am not really the sweet animal, just my name is the hippo (in Czech).

I’m the employee in Masaryk University, Brno, Moravia, CZ. My duties includes: teaching of secrets of the astronomy science, maintaining bunch of mathematical machines, attempting to understand Nature, and checking e-mails, of course.

The astronomy art is based on measure of light by the energy conservation or by counting of photons. The photon counting technique is commonly utilised, however, not fully perceived yet. My latest work revealed interesting properties on the amazing field.

✉ E-mail

On Integral

As I’m getting older and older, maybe more matured, I’m loosing understanding: why should I put my files on the cloud, to publish stories on a remote web site, let some strangle tools handle my work, and be lost in continual filling of web forms?

I did it, but all above is really inconvenient than direct, easy and cosy, use of a single computer, a single place, the Integral. It’s nice to have all my work in touch of my fingers, even tunnelled via Ssh.

On Fortran

Yes, that’s true. I’m (also) Fortran programmer. I’m considering Fortran as the best language for numerical computations, the reason why computers has been invented. By design, mathematical formulas are easy to translate into Fortran, so one can concentrate on the solving of a problem, rather than on solving of a language problem. By the way, Fortran implementation of all the classes, threads, and arrays, is so elegant!


There’s the list of my public presentations.


I’m Debian maintainer of these: packages under GNU/Debian project.

My first Linux distribution has been Slackware; Debian was the second, but who’s care? Debian is stable as a rock, easy to use, and very friendly distribution, maintained by top (mostly academic) developers over the world. It was, not only, the main reason why I’m helping to do the distribution.

FTP server

A file sharing server FTP@integral (also available as a http service) contains a huge archive of software, observations and photographs. Please, let me know if they has been helpful.

Astronomical practicum

Scriptum (in Czech): apraktik.pdf, apraktik.tar.gz.

Phd thesis

My Phd thesis (in Czech):, rig.tar.gz, pres.pdf.